Wednesday, December 28, 2011


2011 was a wonderful yet bumpy road for our family. Over the Summer Justin found out he had landed a job with Johnson & Johnson. We were very excited to see what the this new road would bring! They gave him a company car and shipped him off to training for SIX WEEKS. He missed the kids summer, but we made the best of it. Justin sold his car that had 220,000 miles on it, needless to say- not for much. September 12th Justin was told he was getting let go... along with 200 other people across the country. My first thoughts: PANIC, no, no... ok.... we are fine.... PANIC.... nope- we can do this, its all good, God has an awesome plan... PANIC! Over the coarse of three months, I learned to trust in God. The words always sounded great but this was the true test. A few months prior to Justin losing his Job, God directed me down a path that I did not understand... or agree with. I am not a "girly-girl" by any means and God placed an opportunity in front of me to be in Direct sales selling Jewelry. Yes... I said Jewelry!!! What was he thinking?!!! 1. I don't wear Jewelry 2. I don't like jewelry 3. I am scared to talk to people I don't know.... Shall I go on, or do you get that this is TOTALLY out of the box for me! Fast forward to when we are on unemployment and have $53 for groceries..... Ohhhhhhhhh... God is a sneaky little bugger! He laid this all out in front of me. All I had to do was follow his path. The Company is a Christian based Company that has helped me develop a stronger faith with the Lord. I was blessed with many parties during the time that we were struggling financially. This blessing helped me to give my daughter a birthday party, provide the girls with an excellent Christmas, get a new phone when mine broke, get new household items when we needed them, and the biggest blessing: GROCERIES! Justin was hired onto work for Zimmer Dental and I started to take a breathe of fresh air. He was sent to CA for a week of training.... though all the pictures he sent me were from the beach. grumble grumble.... Upon returning from training, he found that he was being offered his dream job with EMC. He quit with Zimmer and is now 2 weeks into EMC. He is loving it. Justin has wanted to get into this company for ten years. Just goes to show you that God had an Awesome plan. All we have to do is follow it. We have become very spoiled with having Daddy home for a few months. Now that he is at work we are all missing him.... but he is where he is meant to be. Through out this journey we have got to meet and talk to so many wonderful people. We chose to officially join the church we have been attending for a little over a year. I just never thought that something so cruddy, would bring us so many blessings. So keep your head up! God has a plan, all you have to do is follow it:)

1 comment:

  1. Let go and let God! So hard to do. My prayer this year was "Lord make your will my will. Give me eyes like yours. Make me to love you above everything. ". My new favorite prayer is "Father how can i serve you today?". You are doing jut that Nicole....serving our Lord by loving your family and bringing others to Christ. I miss you. God bless you in 2012. I will try and peek on your blog from time to time. Love, jenn p
